I am an accidental tourist here. I stumbled into the creative industries quite by accident in the 90s – through music and art and largely because I was working for the Roskilde Festival in Denmark – a musical celebration of the arts and humanities and stories of the world.
That experience shaped my worldview and taught me about the power of voice and the epic impact of art – on culture, entrepreneurship and economy. But most importantly, I got to experience the possibilities of community — something I hold dear and something that anchors our efforts at Creative Business Cup.
In many ways, the creative industries found me. I am a better person for it. And that is how CBC was born. We are champions of creative thought and creative execution. We embrace those radical thinkers who want to change the world and lay the foundation for the next generation.
The creative economy spans beyond artisans and musicians. It is corporate. It is political. It is leadership. It is present and of the moment. And, it is what we stand for – it is a movement.
Our goal and our mission at CBC is to unleash the potential in everyone. We want to encourage thought and creativity globally – there are no limitations, only possibilities.
Creativity is always happening. Everywhere. Let’s capture the potential together.
Welcome to Creative Business Cup.